NSF SAGE Facility IRISWS rotation Web Service Documentation


The Rotation webservice returns orthogonal triplets of seismic waveform data that have been rotated into specified coordinate systems.

Below is a full list of service parameters and their usage.

Query Usage

/query? channel-options date-range-options rotation-options filter-options plot-options output-options


channel-options      :: net=<network> & sta=<station> & loc=<location> & chaset=<channel-set>
date-range-options   :: starttime=<time> & endtime=<time>
rotation-options     :: components=<orientations> & azimuth=<angle>|backazimuth=<angle> &
filter-options       :: correct=<none|scale|response>
plot-options         :: antialiasplot=<true|false> & width=<value> & height=<value>
output-options       :: output=<miniseed | saca | sacbb | sacbl | plot | ascii | ascii1 | ascii2 >

(..) required
[..] optional

Query parameters are joined by ampersands “&”, without blank space (see the example queries).

Sample Queries

Detailed Descriptions of each Query Parameter

parameter examples discussion
net[work] IU Seismic network name.
sta[tion] ANMO Station name.
loc[ation] 00 Location code. Use — for location codes that are spaces.
chaset BH Two letter channel set. The first two characters of the selected source channels.
start[time] 2001-12-09T12:00:00 Start Time
end[time] 2001-12-09-12:20:00 End Time
Rotation Options specify the output channel coordinate systems.
azimuth 33.4 Horizontal angle measured clockwise from north.
The direction of L axis for LRT components.
The direction of the R axis for ZRT components.
Can only be specified with ZRT or LRT components
See help
backaziumuth 213.4 Horizontal angle measured counter clockwise from north.
The direction of L axis for LRT components.
The direction of the R axis for ZRT components.
Can only be specified with ZRT or LRT components
See help
incidence 120.1 Vertical angle measured down from straight up. Can only be specified with LQT components.
For LQT components, the L axis will have the same vertical angle.
components LQT Available components:
  • ZNE Vertical, North, East
  • ZRT Vertical, Radial, Transverse
  • LQT Latitudinal, SV direction, SH direction
Subsets can be selected. For example: ZN, ZT, RT, LT, QT. However, subsets may NOT be selected across groups. Illegal: NER, LNE, ZLT etc.
Filter Options
correct scale
  • none (default) No filtering is done. Raw counts are used.
  • scale Stage zero scaling is applied to source channels prior to rotation
  • response Instrument response is applied to source channels prior to rotation.
Plot Options The order in which the components characters are specified determines the plot stack order.
For example:
…components=ZNE… and …components=NEZ… will produce the identical plots stacked in different orders.
antialias true If true, the image will have anti-aliasing used. Can only be specified with the output=plot option.
width 1000 Width of the output plot (pixels). Can only be specified with the output=plot option.
height 70 Height of the output plot (pixels). Can only be specified with the output=plot option.
Output Options Data is output as a zip file containing separate data files for each selected component.
The exception to this is output=plot where a single png image file is returned.
output miniseed Required
ascii1 — ascii data format, 1 column (values)
ascii2 — ascii data format, 2 columns (time, value)
ascii — Same as ascii2
audio — audio WAV file
miniseedIRIS miniSEED format
plot — A simple plot of the timeseries
sacaSACASCII format
sacbbSAC – binary big-endian format
sacblSAC – binary little-endian format

Problems with this service?

Please send an email report of which service you were using, your URL query, and any error feedback to:
We will address your issue as soon as possible.

IRISWS rotation web service